Development of dynamic noise map
Posted on 20 October, 2022
Awarded National (Dutch) MIT R&D AI funding: hybrid AI-driven dynamic sound maps for the built environment
Noise measurements at the largest Dutch skate track
Posted on 4 October, 2022
The Urban Sport Zone is located on Zeeburgereiland in Amsterdam. The largest skating rink in the Netherlands is located here. This one is 3100 m2 in size! That is of course super nice in such a new neighborhood. But there is also nuisance from skaters who make too much noise and often hang around too long.
Sound recognition triggered nudging reduces nuisance
Posted on 26 September, 2022
Leuven on the breach for the quality of life for residents.
Sustainable smart traffic management
Posted on 19 May, 2022
Instead of regulating traffic with traditional traffic management based on traffic flow, along the N208 provincial road in North Holland sensors have been installed to conduct research into air quality and noise. And the first results are in.
New WHO standard for entertainment venues and events
Posted on 17 May, 2022
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than a billion young people worldwide are at risk of hearing loss due to noise exposure in recreational environments. The risk of permanent hearing damage from unsafe listening is both avoidable and costly.
Fighting night noise with technology
Posted on 2 May, 2022
Can nighttime noise be registered without anyone reporting? And, could you even reduce it without involving the police?
GLIMI: understandable insight into noise for citizens
Posted on 2 May, 2022
Voor burgerparticipatie is begrijpelijke informatie nodig. Zo ook voor het continu wisselende geluidslandschap dat burgers ervaren. Berekende jaargemiddelde geluidniveaus sluiten onvoldoende aan bij de eigen geluidsbeleving van bewoners.
Salinization: an increasingly common problem
Posted on 7 March, 2022
97.5% of all water on earth is saline. Unfortunately, it happens more and more that saline water causes problems on land. The process is called salinization and can happen in groundwater, surface water like rivers/streams or lakes, or in the soil.
De uitdaging van water in de openbare ruimte
Posted on 24 February, 2022
Steden zijn kwetsbaar voor de gevolgen van klimaatverandering en voor weersextremen. Deze kwetsbaarheid komt deels voort uit de alsmaar groeiende stedelijke bevolking.
Met IoT grondwater monitoren
Posted on 15 November, 2021
Droogte en stortbuien. Maatschappelijke vraagstukken in kaart brengen en het probleem monitoren is de eerste stap.
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Munisense B.V.Touwbaan 38, A0.08
2352 CZ Leiderdorp
The Netherlands