Nuisance from too loud vehicles
Approach on how to reduce the nuisance from unnecessarily loud vehicles in cities. Read more.
Knowledgeable, customer-friendly and communication is good!
Harmen Dijkstra - senior inspector environmental permits, Municipality of Leeuwarden (NL)
Good support, friendly assistance, quick response to questions, good equipment.
Jan van Driel, senior inspector, Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen (NL)
Besides developing products and services, Munisense also handles the operational processes to keep applications running, like network monitoring and maintenance. We also develop OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) products. Please find some examples of our projects below:
The city of Leuven in Belgium limits noise nuisances from nightlife for its citizens and prevent damage to the hearing of the nightlife participants. The city has issued regulations that require establishments that play loud music to limit the sound levels and monitor these levels continuously. Munisense supplied the noise monitoring system to about 100 establishments and provides their management and the city with compliance data. The system consists of a sound meter, a display that shows the real-time sound levels, and an on-line portal to view violations and historical data. For more information please see (in Dutch).
The Wareco Water Data (WWD) is a turn-key service from Wareco Ingenieurs in the field of managing groundwater networks and monitoring groundwater during construction and replacing sewer lines.
Our equipment, cloud platform and services is Wareco's added value to their engineering services.
Noise monitoring in combinatie met nudging technieken heeft geluidsoverlast voor bewoners in het uitgaansgebied van Leuven sterk gereduceerd.
Onze noise monitoring stations (geluidmeters) die naast alle
gebruikelijke geluidparameters ook geluidsherkenning leverden werden gekoppeld aan nudging systemen. Het ingestelde geluidniveau in combinatie met gedefinieerde
geluidherkenningsparameters werd
gebruikt als trigger voor een scala aan nudging technieken.
Het meest effectief bleken de nudging boodschappen die direct op straat werden geprojecteerd aan de overlast veroorzaker(s).
Deze lichtprojecties zorgden voor een verlaging van de geluidsoverlast
met 30%. Deze slimme technologie helpt de Leuvenaars aan een betere nachtrust en een gezonder leefklimaat.
Mid December 2024, Vodafone and KPN indicated that they would keep their 2G network online for two years longer than planned. The providers initially planned to take their networks offline on December 1, 2025, but have pushed the date back to December 1, 2027.
We already took action at the beginning of 2023 because these types of processes are inherently problematic. And because no policy can be made based on suspicions, as soon as the date of December 1, 2025 was set, we warned our customers and offered a future-proof alternative.
Although even the date of December 1, 2027 can still be pushed back, this is becoming less and less likely. After all, the spectrum that becomes available is worth much more for LTE-M than for GPRS. The switch-off date in other countries is even further in the future (2030).
Of course we now have an excellent successor: the LV8.
This works with LTE-M and roaming SIMs from Deutsche Telekom. The LV8 can last up to 25 years.
What now with LV4 and LV5?
No worries! Because our
digital service will continue to exist for all working LV4 or LV5 water
meters, as long as they will have sufficient 2G coverage.
However, the LV4s are no longer repaired but recycled.
Until the end of 2027 we will continue to repair your LV5s.
Furthermore, the batteries for both LV4 and LV5 water meters will remain available until the end of 2027.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this.
Switch to LTE-M
To ensure a smooth transition to the LV8 (with 4G/5G LTE-M), a discount will be applicable during 2025 and 2026 on the purchase of the future-proof LV8 when replacing LV5 water meters.
Contact us at We are happy to advise you on the smartest (and cheapest) way to switch.
Overigens zijn wij tussen de feestdagen door gewoon bereikbaar.

In vervolg op de eerdere projecten bouwen Leuven en Gent verder in "Nudging down night noise".
De twee grootste studentensteden gaan op verschillende locaties het nachtlawaai meten en herkennen om een breed zicht te krijgen op nachtelijke geluidsoverlast. Hiervoor wordt een geluidsherkenningsmodel gebruikt.
Daarnaast zoeken beide steden ook naar een gemeenschappelijke basis om nachtlawaai te meten en te beschrijven. Stad Gent legt hiervoor de objectieve data uit de metingen van onze noise monitoring stations naast de akoestische modellering.
Bovendien gaan beide steden nachtlawaai preventief aanpakken met nudgingtechnieken. Leuven kijkt naar de opschaling van de projecties en het aansturen van de openbare verlichting. Daarnaast worden ook nieuwe nudgingtechnieken onderzocht.
Beide steden gaan, naast de objectieve data uit de metingen, aan de slag met subjectieve data van bewoners over geluidsoverlast.
Verdere nieuwsartikelen over dit Vlaamse project waarin onze geluidmeters weer centraal staan:
Stad Gent - Kunnen we nachtlawaai verminderen met technologie? - Europees project Nudging-down-night-noise
We relieve many provinces, municipalities and institutions -
with or without a partner - of the management and maintenance of
groundwater networks.
The Municipality of Haarlem also awarded us the management and maintenance of their groundwater network.
Socotec Geotechnics, our
partner for the field work for this project, has now equipped the 113
measuring points of the Haarlem municipal water network with our
telemetric groundwater meters.
Our equipment measures
the groundwater level at least once every hour and sends the measurement
data to our powerful data portal at least every four hours.
into account the current barometric pressure at that location and the
relevant data from the KNMI weather stations, the measurement data is
automatically converted to mNAP.
The measurement data is then
automatically validated and visible to the Municipality of Haarlem in
their user portal. Naturally, this groundwater monitoring data will then
be supplied to the Dutch governmental "BRO" (basic subsurface
Thus we accurately monitor groundwater levels so
that the Municipality of Haarlem has a good indication of when and
where measures must be taken.
See also: (in Dutch)
The first group of field workers received the certificate for our Fieldworker Day 2024 on October 16: For consistently good quality installations and groundwater measurements.
Source holders (water well owners) are becoming increasingly strict with regard to data guarantees and data quality. Because we realize that fieldwork is crucial for this quality and guarantees, we initiated the Day of the Fieldworker.
We also used this day to present techniques that we expect to improve quality and guarantees, without taking more time.
Specifically, this concerns TritoSense with manual measurements at mm level, improved air pressure compensation and monitoring well caps that keep rainwater and dirt out while manual measurements are possible without disrupting the measurement setup.
The group of field workers who participated in the Day of the Field Worker on October 16 have at least taken a step forward towards better water data.
Day of the Fieldworker: For consistently good quality installations and groundwater measurements.
About Munisense
Munisense develops, supplies and manages innovative measurement solutions for businesses and governments. Smart city solutions that give stakeholders direct online insight into noise, water quality and water levels. The information is available online at any time for visualization, analysis or periodic reports. Thus managers and policymakers can measure in real time; remote, reliable and smarter.
Chamber of Commerce: 27313745
V.A.T. number: NL819071006B01
At Munisense there are always opportunities to gain work experience.
Our Partners
We continuously develop and update our products and services with the help of different partners. As a result we offer highly innovative services and products that generate value right away for our customers.
Some of our customers
Contact information
Munisense B.V.Touwbaan 38, A0.08
2352 CZ Leiderdorp
The Netherlands