Monitoring groundwater levels

Automated Water Management - water level and water quality

Today’s water management is in many cases manual and off-line. This leads to inaccuracy due to long periods between measurements and is costly, as it requires on-site manpower to collect the information. Munisense offers real-time water management, that presents the measurements results in an easy to understand manner, instantly and online.

Munisense' solution offers an easy to deploy end to end system for remote water management. This covers water level and water quality parameter measurements and remote monitoring of both.

Thus, Munisense provides real-time and on-line insight into validated water levels and convenient ways of analysing and reporting. The system can also monitor water quality, volumes, and flow in combination with precipitation and evaporation.

Munisense' online INSIGHTNOW™ portal provides validated measurement data. Installation and operational management are covered by our local and international certified implementation partners.


Friendly and clear explanations, clear quotes and high-quality data loggers that are easy to integrate.

Michiel Vrolix - Consultant soil/water, Aeres-Milieu

Brochure water measurement & control


Groundwater measurements

Groundwater measurements

Data portal, hardware, installation, maintenance

Automatic validation

Public portals

Future proof

Constant monitoring of the groundwater levels is key to prevent groundwater-dependent industries and people are impacted.
Managing your groundwater has never been easier. Our hardware is simple to install and to configure. Together with installation support through our portal, operational support, and our data management, INSIGHTNOW™ technology is a great match for local resellers, construction, and engineering firms.

Logger data and manual measurements

Logger data and manual measurements

BRO migration

Import data sources

Control and consistency

Delivery to BRO

You would like to add the water data from loggers and manual measurements from your measuring network to your online portal. An often obscure task. We import your measurement data from various sources, such as Dino, Dawaco, XML, CSV or XLS, to our online portal. Your metadata is extensively checked for you and made consistent. After which we deliver the data for you to the "bronhouders" portal.

Water quality

Water quality

Continuous insight

Temperature, conductivity

Oxygen levels, pH

Monitoring the quality of surface water, drinking water, and groundwater is important for health and safety. Monitoring is generally incidental and quite expensive per measurement. The real-time measurements of macro water quality parameters will make monitoring better and cheaper. We have integrated the affordable sensors of AquaLabo with our INSIGHTNOW™ network. Various pilot projects will shape this water quality measurement proposition.

Construction work

Construction work

Real-time monitoring of groundwater levels

Violations trigger immediate alarms

Limit liabilities

Protecting the construction area and the surroundings of a construction site for groundwater related problems is important for the construction firm, the neighbours, and the government that issued the permit. The Munisense measurement system makes it possible to measure frequently and act immediately when necessary.

Sewer replacement

Sewer replacement

Insight in groundwater levels in working area

Limiting liabilities

Long-term data retention

Exceeding threshold alarms

When replacing sewers, it is important to prevent any negative effects on the surrounding area. The INSIGHTNOW™ system continuously monitors the groundwater levels surrounding the construction area and issues alarms when exceeding pre-set levels. The loggers can easily be relocated as the sewer replacement construction proceeds. This makes the system very cost-effective.

What do our customers say?

Is just a good product that Munisense supplies and support responds quickly and often with good tips.

Naod Negash - Jr. Projectleader Geohydrology, RSK Group

Satisfied with customer service (thinking along, accessibility and support).

Wouter Haan - Sr. consultant soil and (geo)hydrology, Ortageo


Munisense offers a variety of standard products and services. We also provide tailor-made products to fit specific applications. All products use our INSIGHTNOW™ cloud platform where it is easy to have real-time insight in your data online, anytime and anywhere.



The INSIGHTNOW™ service consists of wireless sensing in combination with an on-line back-office and customer portal providing measurement data and control at all times from anywhere around the globe.



A number of our products are sold as a standard package. For water measurements we are evaluating the package content.

Water meters

Water meters

For monitoring groundwater levels we offer a number of devices for standard use. We also offer installation, monitoring and maintenance services. We like to discuss your measurement project with you. Please contact us for assistance.


About Munisense

Munisense develops, supplies and manages innovative measurement solutions for businesses and governments. Smart city solutions that give stakeholders direct online insight into noise, water quality and water levels. The information is available online at any time for visualization, analysis or periodic reports. Thus managers and policymakers can measure in real time; remote, reliable and smarter.

Chamber of Commerce: 27313745

V.A.T. number: NL819071006B01

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  • Internship

    At Munisense there are always opportunities to gain work experience.


Contact information

Munisense B.V.
Touwbaan 38, A0.08
2352 CZ Leiderdorp
The Netherlands