INSIGHTNOW™ is the common name for our services en products. These consist of the INSIGHTNOW™ Network and the INSIGHTNOW™ Cloud Platform. The Network is our equipment at location that measures or controls. The Network uses a multitude of wireless connectivities to transfer the measurement data via internet to our Cloud Platform. In this Platform we collect and store the measured data, we operate on the data and present it to the customer. This is also where we turn data into information and where we run our business logic.The Platform can be accessed any time, from anywhere through a web browser or using our app on smartphone or tablet. Access to the Platform using Web Services is enabled for users providing their own portals and for M2M communication.

The Wareco Water Data (WWD) is a turn-key service from Wareco Ingenieurs in the field of managing groundwater networks and monitoring groundwater during construction and replacing sewer lines.
Our equipment, cloud platform and services is Wareco's added value to their engineering services.

Noise monitoring in combinatie met nudging technieken heeft geluidsoverlast voor bewoners in het uitgaansgebied van Leuven sterk gereduceerd.
Onze noise monitoring stations (geluidmeters) die naast alle
gebruikelijke geluidparameters ook geluidsherkenning leverden werden gekoppeld aan nudging systemen. Het ingestelde geluidniveau in combinatie met gedefinieerde
geluidherkenningsparameters werd
gebruikt als trigger voor een scala aan nudging technieken.
Het meest effectief bleken de nudging boodschappen die direct op straat werden geprojecteerd aan de overlast veroorzaker(s).
Deze lichtprojecties zorgden voor een verlaging van de geluidsoverlast
met 30%. Deze slimme technologie helpt de Leuvenaars aan een betere nachtrust en een gezonder leefklimaat.

The city of Leuven in Belgium limits noise nuisances from nightlife for its citizens and prevent damage to the hearing of the nightlife participants. The city has issued regulations that require establishments that play loud music to limit the sound levels and monitor these levels continuously. Munisense supplied the noise monitoring system to about 100 establishments and provides their management and the city with compliance data. The system consists of a sound meter, a display that shows the real-time sound levels, and an on-line portal to view violations and historical data. For more information please see (in Dutch).

The City of Amsterdam has investigated the indoor climate of its 360
schoolbuildings with our indoor climate meters. Based on the data from these CS4 measurement
sets, improvement priorites have been set.
Results of implemented improvements are also monitored based on objective measurement data from the CS4 meters in our INSIGHTNOW™ cloud platform.
Contact information
Munisense B.V.Touwbaan 38, A0.08
2352 CZ Leiderdorp
The Netherlands