Healthy Schools Amsterdam

Posted on 1 February, 2016

City of Amsterdam has the ambition to get all schools in Amsterdam healthy with respect to the indoor environment, the energy consumption and the use of renewable energy. The positive effect of a healthy, 'fresh' indoor climate on the academic performance of children has been demonstrated by research and school experiences.

For prioritizing the 90 existing school buildings that the municipality also wants to tackle in the period 2016-2018, they have chosen for the deployment of 120 Munisense indoor meters in 167 primary and 90 secondary schools (special) education.

Insight and Analysis
The Munisense system consists INSIGHTNOW ™ network of easily deployable wireless indoor meters, and the INSIGHTNOW ™ cloud platform, where the meters send all their measurement data to in real-time.

The parameters measured by this new generation online Munisense indoor meters (model CS4) are temperature, humidity and CO2. These values give a good indication of air quality. After identification and filtering and, if required, after correlation and validation with meteorological data, the data from all meters is available via smartphone, tablet or web browser for comprehensive analysis, visualization and reporting in the INSIGHTNOW ™ platform.

Evaluation issues
In each school the meters record CO2, humidity levels and temperature 24/7 in the classrooms.The measurement data from the INSIGHTNOW ™ platform is analyzed by experts. Based on the results these experts, that are employed by the municipality of Amsterdam, give advice to the city and the schools on improvement measures.

Fresh and clean working environment

At work complaints from employees often lead to research of the indoor climate. Headache, fatigue, eye irritation and respiratory tract and an above-average absents are common complaints. It is important to minimize health risks. This requires the important first step of mapping the situation.

More information about your schoolclimate, or hotel or office complex? Read more at indoor environment or call for our options to achieve optimal performance in a fresh and clean indoor environment.

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Contact information

Munisense B.V.
Touwbaan 38, A0.08
2352 CZ Leiderdorp
The Netherlands