New WHO standard for entertainment venues and events

Posted on 17 May, 2022

New WHO standard for entertainment venues and events

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over one billion young people globally are at risk of hearing loss due to sound exposure in recreational settings. The risk of permanent hearing injury due to unsafe listening is both avoidable, and costly.

In the face of this growing threat, not only governments and public-health agencies but all those involved in the creation, distribution and amplification of music have a duty of care in understanding the sound levels to which audiences and consumers are being exposed, and creating environments that facilitate safe listening.

To address this, WHO, as part of their Make Listening Safe initiative, developed the Global standard for safe listening venues and events which provides a common understanding of safe listening in entertainment venues and events. The Standard comprises six “features” which, when implemented, allow audience members around the world to enjoy amplified music with protection of their hearing, while also preserving the integrity of the artistic experience.

The standard - as described in the WHO publication - consists of only six features. The first two are an upper limit of <100 dB LAeq, 15 min and live monitoring of sound levels.

Horecasense seamlessly fits in when implementing this WHO standard: for ear-safe entertainment venues and events.

Our Horecasense system has been providing 'ear-safety' for years in clubs, bars and entertainment venues in both the Netherlands and Belgium. In Leuven (B), all catering entrepreneurs who use amplified sound are obliged to use Horecasense.

Would you also like to know more about safe sound for your audience? We look forward to tell you more about it. Contact us on +31 (0)71-711 46 23.

Of course we have set up an informative website for you. Here you can also find all kinds of information about this: Horecasense

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Contact information

Munisense B.V.
Touwbaan 38, A0.08
2352 CZ Leiderdorp
The Netherlands