INSIGHTNOW™ telecom grade cloud-based SaaS platform
Our INSIGHTNOW™ platform is a telecom grade cloud-based SaaS platform, that supports critical on-line real-time noise and vibration monitoring applications. The platform enables secured monitoring of measurement data from anywhere, at any time and by any device.
Real-time and online insight
Alerts in case of exceeding levels
Comprehensive analysis and reporting
Proven track record
Open data integration
Integration Sinus Samurai 2.0
The applications range from monitoring music events, construction work, airports, infrastructure and harbors. It supports multiple monitoring stations, like the NMS and Samurai, from Munisense and Sinus Messtechnik.
Real-time monitoring
The INSIGHTNOW™ platform is optimized for pro-active management of noise limits. Extensive views are available to visualize measurement data in real-time to support the roll and preference of the user. Data can be visualized on dashboards, maps, graphics, timelines, distributions, etc.
Comprehensive compliance criteria can be configured, which will notify (a group) of users in case of exceeding thresholds.
Role based user management
The administrator adds users and configures roles and capabilities on a user-by-user basis, and restricts or extends the access and visualization of the measurement data.
Extensive noise analysis and reporting
The INSIGHTNOW™ platform supports multiple ways to analyse and calculate large amounts of measurement data.
Multiple reporting options are available. Quick zoom from months and years to minutes and seconds. Compare multiple measurement variables, replay audio fragments, compare spectra, select and annotate the data for further processing, exporting or reporting.