Nuisance from too loud vehicles

Approach on how to reduce the nuisance from unnecessarily loud vehicles in cities. Read more.

Munisense provides online and real-time insight into noise, water quality and groundwater levels. This allows managers and policymakers to measure real-time; remote, reliable and smarter. Thanks to our smart hardware and powerful software platform.

What we do
Our smart city solutions measure noise at events, construction or infrastructure, detect fireworks, or measure water quality parameters. The data is validated, correlated and visualized for you. This high-quality data contributes to well-founded policy decisions.

How we can help
The online insight into, among other things, noise nuisance, water levels and water quality ensures effective control and improvement of the living environment. Thus we integrate measurement, regulation and control in your organization. At low cost and also in places where autonomy for power supply and data communication is of great importance.

Knowledgeable, customer-friendly and communication is good!

Harmen Dijkstra - senior inspector environmental permits, Municipality of Leeuwarden (NL)

Good support, friendly assistance, quick response to questions, good equipment.

Jan van Driel, senior inspector, Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen (NL)


Besides developing products and services, Munisense also handles the operational processes to keep applications running, like network monitoring and maintenance. We also develop OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) products. Please find some examples of our projects below:

Leuven Horecasense

The city of Leuven in Belgium limits noise nuisances from nightlife for its citizens and prevent damage to the hearing of the nightlife participants. The city has issued regulations that require establishments that play loud music to limit the sound levels and monitor these levels continuously. Munisense supplied the noise monitoring system to about 100 establishments and provides their management and the city with compliance data. The system consists of a sound meter, a display that shows the real-time sound levels, and an on-line portal to view violations and historical data. For more information please see (in Dutch).

The Wareco Water Data (WWD) is a turn-key service from Wareco Ingenieurs in the field of managing groundwater networks and monitoring groundwater during construction and replacing sewer lines.
Our equipment, cloud platform and services is Wareco's added value to their engineering services.

Noise monitoring in combinatie met nudging technieken heeft geluidsoverlast voor bewoners in het uitgaansgebied van Leuven sterk gereduceerd.
Onze noise monitoring stations (geluidmeters) die naast alle gebruikelijke geluidparameters ook geluidsherkenning leverden werden gekoppeld aan nudging systemen. Het ingestelde geluidniveau in combinatie met gedefinieerde geluidherkenningsparameters werd gebruikt als trigger voor een scala aan nudging technieken. Het meest effectief bleken de nudging boodschappen die direct op straat werden geprojecteerd aan de overlast veroorzaker(s). Deze lichtprojecties zorgden voor een verlaging van de geluidsoverlast met 30%. Deze slimme technologie helpt de Leuvenaars aan een betere nachtrust en een gezonder leefklimaat.


Achieving qualitative better water data

Over the past 10 years, managers of groundwater monitoring networks have imposed stricter requirements on the accuracy with which groundwater levels are measured.

One of the aspects where qualitative gains can be achieved from water data is during the installation of the now very accurate equipment in the field.

We noted that with current measurement methods it is difficult for field workers to meet current tender requirements.

Because how do they ensure the smallest possible deviation between the actual and the manually or automatically measured groundwater level of a measuring point in your measuring network?

Tomorrow, during our Fieldworker Day, we will inform and train fieldworkers.

For consistent and high-quality installations and groundwater measurements.

More about this tomorrow!

Dag van de Veldwerker 16 oktober 2024

De kwaliteit van de installatie van watermeters heeft invloed op de kwaliteit van de data. Deze allereerste Dag van de Veldwerker is het moment om de kwaliteit, snelheid en het onderhoud van installaties van uw watermeters te verbeteren. Deelname aan de Dag van de Veldwerker zorgt zo voor een efficiëntere inzet van manuren én
betere data.

Een dag met een sterk educatief karakter
De focus van deze dag ligt op het inzichtelijk maken welke zaken van groot belang zijn tijdens installatie van onze apparatuur. Hierbij wordt u getraind hóe de apparatuur wordt geïnstalleerd en worden ook de optimalisaties van de veldwerk tool uitgebreid doorgenomen. Natuurlijk wordt ook uitleg gegeven welke informatie nodig is om eventuele supportvragen goed en efficiënt te kunnen beantwoorden.

Bovendien kijken wij er naar uit om uw feedback te horen. Zoals waarbij u moeilijkheden ondervindt tijdens de werkzaamheden. Of hoe wij ervoor kunnen zorgen dat u nog efficiënter én effectiever uw werk kunt doen. Of hoe u het werken met recente productontwikkelingen, zoals de transparante vaste dop ervaart.

Waar en wanneer?
Deze allereerste Dag van de Veldwerker vindt plaats bij Munisense in Leiderdorp op 16 oktober 2024. De dag begint met een inloop om 9.30 uur en eindigt rond 16.30 uur. En, deelname is gratis!

Kortom, de Dag van de Veldwerker is een dag om niet te missen!

Hier kunt u zich inschrijven

Onze meters gaan verhuizen van de Floriade naar evenementenlocaties in Gemeente Almere. Permanente geluid monitoring geeft overheid en bewoners grip op geluid.


Permanente monitoring van geluidshinder kan leiden tot vermindering van de belangrijkste vormen van geluidshinder. Het stelt bevoegde instanties in staat om grip te krijgen op geluidsoverlast, terwijl het bij burgers bijdraagt aan het gevoel van gehoord worden en hun betrokkenheid bijdraagt aan een gezondere geluidsomgeving.


In Nederland ontvangen overheidsinstanties jaarlijks meer dan 500.000 geluidhinderklachten. Een aanzienlijk aantal hiervan is gerelateerd aan actuele overlast door muziekevenementen, horeca, industrie, bouw, nachtlawaai, toeristen, sport, laden/lossen en dierengeluiden.

Een effectieve vermindering van ruim 30% van deze hinder is mogelijk onder de volgende voorwaarden:

  • Bewustwording van de veroorzaker: Het is essentieel dat de veroorzaker direct bewust is van de hinder die wordt veroorzaakt.
    Meer dan 90% van de veroorzakers, zoals horecabezoekers, muziekevenement organisaties, industriële bedrijven, motorrijders, sportfaciliteiten en uitgaansgelegenheden, is bereid maatregelen te nemen zodra zij zich bewust zijn van hun impact.
  • Transparantie en continu inzicht: Alle betrokken partijen dienen transparantie en continu inzicht te hebben, niet alleen in trends maar ook in het directe effect van genomen maatregelen. Objectief inzicht in de hinder draagt bij aan een nieuw normbesef.
  • Stimulering van zelfregulering: Actieve stimulering en facilitering van zelfregulering, bijvoorbeeld door geluid inzichtelijk en bespreekbaar te maken, participatie te bevorderen en opname in lokale regelgeving. Daarbij biedt de nieuwe Omgevingswet mogelijkheden voor deze aanpak.

Naast zelfregulatie versnelt permanente monitoring uw klachtenafhandelingsprocessen. U hebt immers altijd meetdata beschikbaar. Geavanceerde functies in het meetplatform, zoals identificatie van geluidsbronnen, locatie en de mate van overschrijding of hinder bij woningen, ondersteunen de analyse en stellen u in staat om geluidsveroorzakers, zoals de industrie, direct aan te spreken op hun veroorzaakte hinder. En dat alles betaalbaar en met een zeer lage cost of ownership.

Wilt u meer weten hoe u deze vermindering van geluidhinderklachten en een gezonder leefklimaat realiseert?
Bel of mail ons, we denken graag met u mee.

End of 2G networks → smart switch to LTE-M

Telecom operators in The Netherlands will phase out their 2G/GPRS networks over the upcoming years.

Vodafone and KPN have planned to be the last to switch off their 2G networks on 1-12-2025. Of course we write this with some reservations because the Dutch government will also express its opinion on this and possibly make changes. In other countries, this moment lies further ahead in the future, on 31-12-2030.

We now have an excellent successor: the LV8. This works with LTE-M and roaming SIMs from Deutsche Telekom. This future-proof solution can last 25 years.

What now with LV4 and LV5?

No worries! Because our digital service will continue to exist for all working LV4 or LV5 water meters, as long as they will have sufficient 2G coverage.

However, the LV4s are no longer repaired but recycled since the beginning of this year.

We will continue to repair the LV5s for you, until January 1st, 2026.

Furthermore, the batteries for both LV4 and LV5 water meters will remain available until the end of 2025.

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this.

Switch to LTE-M

To ensure a smooth transition to the LV8 (with 4G/5G LTE-M), during 2024 a discount will be appliccable on the purchase of the future-proof LV8 when replacing LV5 water meters.

Contact us at We are happy to advise you on the smartest (and cheapest) way to switch.

More news

About Munisense

Munisense develops, supplies and manages innovative measurement solutions for businesses and governments. Smart city solutions that give stakeholders direct online insight into noise, water quality and water levels. The information is available online at any time for visualization, analysis or periodic reports. Thus managers and policymakers can measure in real time; remote, reliable and smarter.

  • Job Opening: Senior Embedded Software Engineer

    Join Munisense as an Embedded Software Engineer

    Our software development team is responsible for the entire product portfolio, from sensor (monitoring station) to cloud. You will be part of the team that works on the sensor side. The sensors are responsible for reliably measuring, storing and forwarding the sensor data to our platform.

    Who are we?

    Munisense is a Dutch, informal, growing, innovative company that delivers real-time insights into environmental sound levels and groundwater levels for both national and international clients. With over 9,000 water meters and 800 sound meters currently active, we empower managers and policymakers with the tools to monitor, analyze and manage the living environment remotely and intelligently through our cutting-edge hardware and cloud platform.

    Who are we looking for?

    We are looking for an experienced, professional Embedded Software Engineer to execute the complete embedded development lifecycle. We work with Rasberry Pi (Linux) based sensors and other embedded microcontrollers. Your focus will be on the Linux based part. A strong focus will be on quality (testing) and robustness of the software. Together with our hardware engineers, you will be creating new monitoring stations which more and more include machine learning capabilities for noise recognition.

    Key responsibilities:

    • Design, develop, test and maintain firmware for our sensors, both Linux-based and embedded.
    • Collaborate with other (software) developers and product owner to move the product forward.
    • Taking ownership of the final firmware quality.
    • You structure your work and document the steps along the way.

    Job requirements:

    • You have 5+ years of experience with (embedded) Linux software development.
    • You are experienced with programming for embedded systems and Linux systems (eg. raspberry Pi environments).
    • You are familiar with C, C++, Python and/or PHP.
    • You know the basics of machine learning.
    • You have experience in electronics and hardware development.
    • Bachelor’s (HBO) or University-level mindset

    What you get:

    • Competitive Salary: Gross salary ranging from €4,000 to €5,500 per month (based on 40 hours per week), depending on your experience.
    • Work-Life Balance: 25 vacation days, hybrid working option, and the freedom to adjust your schedule when needed.
    • Flexible Working Hours: We usually work from 8:30 to 17:00 because we value close collaboration. However, there’s flexibility; if you work longer one day, you can leave earlier on another.
    • Pension Benefits: Facilitated pension account.
    • Learning & Development: You'll have access to time and budget for personal growth, whether that’s through training, courses, or attending conferences.
    • Team Spirit: Friday afternoon drinks and cross-departmental catch-ups, plus company events organized by our very own 'PartySquad'. Past activities include pub quizzes, karting, movie nights, sailing trips, and paintball.
  • Internship

    At Munisense there are always opportunities to gain work experience.

Our Partners

We continuously develop and update our products and services with the help of different partners. As a result we offer highly innovative services and products that generate value right away for our customers.

Some of our customers


Contact information

Munisense B.V.
Touwbaan 38, A0.08
2352 CZ Leiderdorp
The Netherlands